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"Behind every picture , there's one story being Treasured".

GAVISE PHOTOGRAPHY Organizations wants to inspire,each of individuals through photography and developing your own talent and boosting your confidence.

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"Photography is about capturing souls not for smiles"
It tells to not only take a photo of what it looks but on what it feels like. Because when it comes to photography ,feelings and emotions are important.


Friday 5 May 2017

Best Delicacies in Baguio City

Best Delicacies in Baguio City

The most best things while Traveling here in Baguio is not only for the places but also the foods and souvenirs  and also serve as your pasalubong in way back home.

  1. Strawberry JamStawberry Jam preserves whole Stawberries in the bottle. The top Choice which simply named as "Stawbereu Preserve La Trinidad Benguet". It is one of the Famous pasalubong and sell 3 bottles of Strawberry Jams for 100 pesos (Php)


  2. Peanut Brittle

    It is the famous pasalubong. The company and manufacturer is located at Magaldan and not here in Baguio yet People still buy this product. It sold 3 bottles of Peanut Brittle for only 100 pesos(Php).Also depending on the size of the bottlee that was purchased.

  3. Walis tambo (Broom)

    It  is a product used for household, decorated with "Baguio" tag on the handle. The price of Walis Tambo is 80 pesos (Php) for 3 Pieces of Brooms.

  4. Choco Flakes

    "Mikasan" chocoflakes is a popular brand for this goodies. This pasalubong comes in 3 variants:  Chocolate , milk, and lastly with assorted. The price is ranging from 80 pesos and above.

  5. Baguio Country Club Raisin Bread
    One of the Delicious Bread here Baguio City.

  6. Lengua De Gato

    It taste light buttery. It sell 3 packs for 100 pesos.Another popular brand for this pasalubong is Pines Maid.

  7. Fresh Flowers

    There are various kinds of flowers other are long lasting. At Baguio there are different kinds of flowers liked Roses, Sunflower, everlasting and many more.The price is depending if you will buy per pieces or per bond also if you want to buy the whole plant.
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  8. Baguio Fresh Vegetables

    The vegetables from Baguio City  is healthy because it is fresh. You can  get a less discount if you'll buy in bulk. the price is depending on how many kilos.(Kilograms)

  9. Ube Jam

    Ube Jam or Ube Halaya( Used in Pastries and other Desserts such as halo-halo and ice cream) is a Philippine dessert made form boiled and mushed purple yam.


  10. Sundot Kulangot

    They are populary called "Sundot Kulangot "described as a native candy from the Philippines composed primarily of cococnut jam enclosed in wood orbs, which are turn by held by bamboo sticks. This one is measure in 9 inches in legth. it is sweet ,soft and a bit tacky.

Cille Anne. (2013,March 11). Top and Popular Pasalubong from Baguio City. 

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