Opening Line:

"Behind every picture , there's one story being Treasured".

GAVISE PHOTOGRAPHY Organizations wants to inspire,each of individuals through photography and developing your own talent and boosting your confidence.

Adding Depth:

"Photography is about capturing souls not for smiles"
It tells to not only take a photo of what it looks but on what it feels like. Because when it comes to photography ,feelings and emotions are important.


Friday 5 May 2017

10 Tips for Better Photos

It so easy for us to blame on the cameras or the smartphones we are using if your images aren't so nice as you see online but here are the 10 Easy Tips helps to improve the Quality of your photos.

1.) The Composition Techniques
          The heart of a photograph is its composition, The position of different elements that can help  to activate dramatic and interesting photos of you.


2.) Exposure Compensation

           How Light or Dark the shot appears, and determine the appropriate lighting. which is why there are special scene modes without it cameras would try to make the white snow gray.


3.) Choosing the Right Mode
          Can help you capture moving subjects on different scene.
AFS--->(Stationary subject)
AFA--->Hybrid Mode
AFC--->For moving subjects


4.) Lighting

          Think about the contrast and light and Brightness you have when your taking pictures. Note:  Don't ever take Photos when the sun is at the back back of your subject sometimes it might not seen your Subject.


5.) Using Flash Wisely

          Activating Flash ,back up a bit and zoom into get the proper framing and if things are still bright or dark check and see if flash compensation is option as needed.


6.) Adding Flash Diffuser

          To help spread The light out smaller Flashes aren't able spread light across a large surface area.Also giving your Subjects in a deer- in -the- Headlights look.


7.) Watch your White Balance

          Your camera will try and set white balance automatically based on the type of light which you're shooting.


8.) Using Tripod or Monopod

          The best way to get your shots perfect and save some extra time. Using tripod and Monopod will allow you to set up framing and can come in handy. along with your camera's self timer or using a clicker in monopod.


9.)  Spend some time going through your photos

          By eliminating redundant shots and discard photos that may be out of focus or poorly composed. It's better to post a few dozen great photos by themselves rather than the same photos hiding among hundreds of not so good one photos.


10.) Post process your Photos

          Consider using any kind of programs like Picasa or iPhoto to organize your photos. Either it will allow you to crop ,color correct ,adjust exposure ,remove red eye and perform other basic editing tasks on your application.


Jim Fisher.(November 20,2015 4:35 A.M.). 10 Quick tips to fix your bad photos.

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