Opening Line:

"Behind every picture , there's one story being Treasured".

GAVISE PHOTOGRAPHY Organizations wants to inspire,each of individuals through photography and developing your own talent and boosting your confidence.

Adding Depth:

"Photography is about capturing souls not for smiles"
It tells to not only take a photo of what it looks but on what it feels like. Because when it comes to photography ,feelings and emotions are important.


Friday 12 May 2017

Top 10 things to do in Baguio City

Top 10 things to do in Baguio City 

Baguio City has been always one of the top destinations here in the Philippines because of its cold weather and where you can buy fresh vegetables and strawberries at cheaper prices. Here are some things to do when you’re in the city of Baguio

1.) Ben Cab Museum  

There are different kinds of sculptures and fabulous mountain view. When you really love arts please feel free to visit this Museum.


2.) Ketchup Food Community 

A whole new dining experience and consists of 5 different restaurants and Ketchup Food Community allows there customers to order 5 food establishments
3.) A Sea of Clouds view at Cafe in the Sky 

It was located right before your reach La Presa. By dropping there you can see a sea of clouds form like a cotton balls, a stunning view and clear from the fog. It's more better if you drop by lunch there while eating your order foods.  

Image result for A Sea of Clouds view at Cafe in the Sky  in baguio


4.) Solibao's Puto Bumbong

Located in the middle of session road. One of the Old Filipino Restaurants here in Baguio City. Solibao Puto Bumbong also offers good coffees for coffee lovers and non coffee lovers and a perfect combination with Puto Bumbong.

Image result for Solibao puto bumbong


5.) Baguio Night Market

Baguio Night market starts around 9 P.M. until 12 midnight  where you can buy some street food and cheap clothes that sellers offers. Baguio night market is near in the Burnham park and Baguio Public Market.

Image result for baguio night market


6.) Amare La Cucina

The best pizza here in Baguio. Because of its best brick -oven pizza. The crust of there pizza is thin but still has a doughy feel to it.  the taste was good  and ofcourse offers Nutella Pizza ,Fresh beef Carpaccio with arugula and many more.

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Image result for amare la cucina baguio

7.) Good Sheperd Convent

The most expensive coffee is "Kopi Luwak" or Civet Coffee. It's Featured on one of the scene in the movie "The Bucket List" , starred by Jack  Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. -Extolling the Deliciousness.

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8.) Abanao  Square

One of the malls Here in Baguio City and have a big Outdoor Ad outside the Mall. Located at Abanao corner Zandueta Sts., Baguio City 2600
Open from 9 A.M. to 8 P.M

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9.) Tree top Adventure

One of the tourist attraction here in Baguio City ,Philippines located at Loakan Road, Camp John Hay, Baguio, 2600 Benguet
Tree Top Adventure park offering zip-lining courses along with treetop climbs & cable-car rides.

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Tree Top Adventure.

10.) Dinosaur Island Baguio

Dinosaur Island Baguio is Baguio Eco Park's premiere project and the very first animatronics theme park in Benguet. The life size,animatronic dinosaur scattered at the foothills of a mountain will surely make their guest as if they're in the land before time. Dinosaurs Island Baguio aims to inspire the next generation to learn more about nature  and evolution's greatest achievements.

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Jo Tan (2015, January 31) . Top 8 Things To Do In Baguio City 2015.

Friday 5 May 2017

Best Delicacies in Baguio City

Best Delicacies in Baguio City

The most best things while Traveling here in Baguio is not only for the places but also the foods and souvenirs  and also serve as your pasalubong in way back home.

  1. Strawberry JamStawberry Jam preserves whole Stawberries in the bottle. The top Choice which simply named as "Stawbereu Preserve La Trinidad Benguet". It is one of the Famous pasalubong and sell 3 bottles of Strawberry Jams for 100 pesos (Php)


  2. Peanut Brittle

    It is the famous pasalubong. The company and manufacturer is located at Magaldan and not here in Baguio yet People still buy this product. It sold 3 bottles of Peanut Brittle for only 100 pesos(Php).Also depending on the size of the bottlee that was purchased.

  3. Walis tambo (Broom)

    It  is a product used for household, decorated with "Baguio" tag on the handle. The price of Walis Tambo is 80 pesos (Php) for 3 Pieces of Brooms.

  4. Choco Flakes

    "Mikasan" chocoflakes is a popular brand for this goodies. This pasalubong comes in 3 variants:  Chocolate , milk, and lastly with assorted. The price is ranging from 80 pesos and above.

  5. Baguio Country Club Raisin Bread
    One of the Delicious Bread here Baguio City.

  6. Lengua De Gato

    It taste light buttery. It sell 3 packs for 100 pesos.Another popular brand for this pasalubong is Pines Maid.

  7. Fresh Flowers

    There are various kinds of flowers other are long lasting. At Baguio there are different kinds of flowers liked Roses, Sunflower, everlasting and many more.The price is depending if you will buy per pieces or per bond also if you want to buy the whole plant.
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  8. Baguio Fresh Vegetables

    The vegetables from Baguio City  is healthy because it is fresh. You can  get a less discount if you'll buy in bulk. the price is depending on how many kilos.(Kilograms)

  9. Ube Jam

    Ube Jam or Ube Halaya( Used in Pastries and other Desserts such as halo-halo and ice cream) is a Philippine dessert made form boiled and mushed purple yam.


  10. Sundot Kulangot

    They are populary called "Sundot Kulangot "described as a native candy from the Philippines composed primarily of cococnut jam enclosed in wood orbs, which are turn by held by bamboo sticks. This one is measure in 9 inches in legth. it is sweet ,soft and a bit tacky.

Cille Anne. (2013,March 11). Top and Popular Pasalubong from Baguio City. 

10 Tips for Better Photos

It so easy for us to blame on the cameras or the smartphones we are using if your images aren't so nice as you see online but here are the 10 Easy Tips helps to improve the Quality of your photos.

1.) The Composition Techniques
          The heart of a photograph is its composition, The position of different elements that can help  to activate dramatic and interesting photos of you.


2.) Exposure Compensation

           How Light or Dark the shot appears, and determine the appropriate lighting. which is why there are special scene modes without it cameras would try to make the white snow gray.


3.) Choosing the Right Mode
          Can help you capture moving subjects on different scene.
AFS--->(Stationary subject)
AFA--->Hybrid Mode
AFC--->For moving subjects


4.) Lighting

          Think about the contrast and light and Brightness you have when your taking pictures. Note:  Don't ever take Photos when the sun is at the back back of your subject sometimes it might not seen your Subject.


5.) Using Flash Wisely

          Activating Flash ,back up a bit and zoom into get the proper framing and if things are still bright or dark check and see if flash compensation is option as needed.


6.) Adding Flash Diffuser

          To help spread The light out smaller Flashes aren't able spread light across a large surface area.Also giving your Subjects in a deer- in -the- Headlights look.


7.) Watch your White Balance

          Your camera will try and set white balance automatically based on the type of light which you're shooting.


8.) Using Tripod or Monopod

          The best way to get your shots perfect and save some extra time. Using tripod and Monopod will allow you to set up framing and can come in handy. along with your camera's self timer or using a clicker in monopod.


9.)  Spend some time going through your photos

          By eliminating redundant shots and discard photos that may be out of focus or poorly composed. It's better to post a few dozen great photos by themselves rather than the same photos hiding among hundreds of not so good one photos.


10.) Post process your Photos

          Consider using any kind of programs like Picasa or iPhoto to organize your photos. Either it will allow you to crop ,color correct ,adjust exposure ,remove red eye and perform other basic editing tasks on your application.


Jim Fisher.(November 20,2015 4:35 A.M.). 10 Quick tips to fix your bad photos.

Monday 1 May 2017

Top 10 Land Marks in Baguio City

Top 10 Land Marks in Baguio City 

1.) Baguio Cathedral

Our Lady of the Atonement Cathedral also known as Baguio Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines located in the Heart of the City and one of the frequently visited land marks here Baguio City.

References: Ranieljose,.(2009 April 7).File.Baguio Cathedral.jpg.

2.) Baguio Mines View

Mines View Park  is an overlook park on the Northeastern outskirts of Baguio in the Philippines.The park overlooks the mining town of Itogon particularly the abandoned gold and the copper mines of Benguet Corporation and offers a glimpse of the Amburayan Valley.

Calub,Marc Jan.(2011).Mines view Startairle.(

3.) Burnham Park 

Premier park named in honor of it's planner and architect Daniel Burnham. Also contains a Man-Made Lake in the middle.

References:Tito Antonio Ofilada,Jr.Travel 101-CAR. 

Arj Munoz.Travel Photography: Baguio-The summer Capital of the Philippines.(2014 December 27).

4.) Camp John Hay

The Manor Hotel at Camp John Hay 

References: Billydl,.The Manor Hotel at Camp John Hay.

5.) The Mansion House

Used -Residence of the President whenever he or she is in Baguio City for Official visits and engagements.

References: Tito Antonio Ofilada,Jr.Travel 101-CAR.

6.) Philippine Military Academy

Philippine Military Academy also known as PMA is a premier military institution of the country and training ground for future officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

Rerences: Tito Antonio Ofilada,Jr. Travel 101Car.
Baguio City Philippines.(2004 August 21 11:50 P.M. .(

7.) Baguio Country Club

Oldest Clubs in the Philippines. Originally built as an exclusive play ground to the elite and vacationing Americans.
References:Tito Antonio Ofilada,Jr.Travel 101-CAR.

Handymann69(102)Baguio Country Club 2.Trek Earth.

8.) Session Road

Main Thoroughfare of the City and the center of Baguio' Commercial Establishments.

References:Tito Antonio Ofilada,Jr.Travel 101-CAR.

Session Road in Baguio City(Photo by Jovanie Cabrera).

9.) S M Baguio City 

SM Baguio City  is enclosed shopping Mall in the Summer Capital of the Philippines.SM is the largest shopping Mall in the whole North Luzon Region.

References:SM CITY
Bencb's Baguio -My CITY MY SM (

10.) Baguio Diplomat Hotel 

Diplomat Also called as Diplomat Hotel. previously an old church seminary ,Camp during the war. and Diplomat is a Historical place.

References: Tito Antonio Ofilada,Jr.Travel 101-CAR.
Author: Janna Cabral.Creepy spots in the Diplomat in Baguio City UPDATED: 28 DAYS AGO:

Top 10 things to do in Baguio City

Top 10 things to do in Baguio City  Baguio City has been always one of the top destinations here in the Philippines because of its cold w...